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24 Fair Dinkum Excuses for Sleeping In

Posted by Macoda on

24 Fair Dinkum Excuses for Sleeping In

Sorry Boss ...

Everyone loves a good lie in. Everyone!

Not hitting that snooze button is one of the greatest challenges facing modern man. But we are all human, and sometimes, we fail. That's why we've developed this infallible list of proven excuses, guaranteed to be welcomed by your boss/partner/friend for when you just cant resist that extra 10 minutes.

  • I was stopped by the police
  • My toaster caught on fire
  • My cat got stuck in the toilet
  • I accidentally put superglue in my eye instead of contact lens solution
  • Turns out the chocolates I ate were actually laxatives
  • I had a dream I was already at work
  • Someone broke into my house and stole all my work clothes
  • My slow roasted brisket took forever to cook
  • My pillow fort collapsed and I had to wait for the fire department to rescue me
  • I couldn’t find a park
  • My dog buried my car in the backyard
  • I accidentally stepped on a bug and had to attend its funeral
  • I was half way through a haircut and the hair dresser quit
  • I had to stop my parrot from jumping off his perch
  • I was being chased by a magpie
  • I couldn’t figure out how to fill up my Tesla
  • I thought today was Sunday
  • It was my fish's birthday
  • My grandmother needed me to spot her bench-press
  • I had to stop, collaborate and listen
  • But its called fashion, fashionably late
  • Better late than never
  • Trump and I got into a twitter war and I couldn’t leave and let him win
  • I bought a Macoda

“Purchasing a Macoda was the best investment for my health and sleep quality and I will never shop elsewhere” – Liam

“Purchased my mattress about a month ago and holy cow, going to work in the mornings is killer. 10/10."- Ryan

The Macoda mattress has helped so many people find their dream sleep, but be warned, your alarms may find a way of turning themselves off - and getting out of bed in the morning wont get any easier.



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